Image Enhancement:
1-64times enlargement continuity, Color/BW, negative,high/lowpenetration, organic /inorganic
Stripping, general enhancement, and pseudo color,etc.
Image Archive:
Up to 50,000 images stored automatically, enable transferring to USB disk, and converting to JPG, BMP, XF, PNG, TIFF, GIF six formats.
Other Functions:
Time/date display, counters, user management, system-on/X-ray-on timers, power on self test,
built-in diagnostic facilities, dual-direction scanning, system log, system standby and
stimulant training, ADS etc.
Product highlights
* Multilingual operation * Automatic built in test and self diagnosis
* Secure access Key * Continuous working 10000 hours above
* Threat alert and material classification
* International standard configuration: Japan Hammatsu detection and UK Sens-tech board
* Network‐Ready * Energy saving design
* One key turn off * Drugs and explosives inspection
* Indication of the date and time